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30 dB Coaxial Attenuator DC–6000 4.3-10 M-F

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Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Product Type Attenuator

General Specifications

Device Type Attenuator
Application Indoor
Color Silver
Inner Contact Plating Silver
Interface 4.3-10 Male
Interface 2 4.3-10 Female
Outer Contact Plating Trimetal

Electrical Specifications

Return Loss, minimum 20.8 dB
Attenuation 30 dB
Attenuation Tolerance ±0.8 dB
Average Power, maximum 2 W
Impedance 50 ohm
Operating Frequency Band 0 – 6000 MHz
Peak Power, maximum 0.5 kW
VSWR 1.2

Environmental Specifications

Operating Temperature -40 °C to +85 °C (-40 °F to +185 °F)

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Product Type Attenuator

General Specifications

Device Type Attenuator
Application Indoor
Color Silver
Inner Contact Plating Silver
Interface 4.3-10 Male
Interface 2 4.3-10 Female
Outer Contact Plating Trimetal

Electrical Specifications

Return Loss, minimum 20.8 dB
Attenuation 30 dB
Attenuation Tolerance ±0.8 dB
Average Power, maximum 2 W
Impedance 50 ohm
Operating Frequency Band 0 – 6000 MHz
Peak Power, maximum 0.5 kW
VSWR 1.2

Environmental Specifications

Operating Temperature -40 °C to +85 °C (-40 °F to +185 °F)

Product Specification

Product Specification